I know from experience that people go to great lengths to figure out a costume that suits the runDisney race they are participating in. I spent a lot of time thinking about who I wanted to be and how I could make that happen realistically and comfortably. I feel like Walt Disney World runDisney events get the majority of the focus with the Princess Half Marathon and the huge Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend that just passed. I’m not sure why that is but I am going to change that right now!
Disneyland is home to some amazing themed runDisney events! Tinker Bell Half Marathon Weekend, Avengers Half Marathon Weekend and then there’s this weekend.This weekend the Star Wars Half Marathon Weekend will be taking place at Disneyland! There will be more Star Wars fans than you can count participating in one or more of the many events planned. Don’t think for a second that these people haven’t spent tons of time planning there outfits or costumes too!!! I personally think it is a lot harder to create a Star Wars look than a Princess look so I decided to do some research in to some cool costume and running gear ideas. Let’s take a gander at what I found.
I’m going to start with the obvious and that is a tee shirt or tank top. I figured this one is the least shocking. You can get this “The Force Runs With Me” expression on many different styles of tops but these were simple and basic. I think we can prepare to see many participants and supporters wearing this type of top because it’s not really a costume but it gets the point across.
I’m throwing this one in because it’s a little less likely everyone will be wearing it but it’s pretty awesome. I love that it’s a different color and isn’t as obvious an expression. Yoda is wise, after all. I’m hoping this shirt will be popular!
I’m moving on to running skirts because I think they are fun. I found so many different themes and styles of running skirts that I had a very hard time narrowing them down. Believe it or not, I did, and these are the ones I decided I had to share because they showed the variety that is out there. I mean, we are going to see tons of different costumes based around different characters and these skirts portray a bunch of different ones. Above, you see skirts inspired by Chewbacca and C3PO. These are loose, fun, light weight running skirts that won’t really get in the way. I found them on the etsy store Running Couture.
The above are also from the same etsy store and are representative of R2D2 and Darth Vader. I felt that, in my opinion, these were both a little more well known and obvious as to who the characters are. They have a bit more style and design to them. They are quite possibly also going to more popular because they are 2 very popular characters.
I personally love a fun tutu. The above tutus are from ShellyRioBoutique on etsy. They are inspired by storm troopers and ewoks. I mean how fun are these?! In fact, the ewok tutu could be worn for a bunch of different races because it’s not quite as overt as the others.This could be Chewbacca or Chip and Dale! I like tutus that can be used for multiple races but themed differently. I know that many people told me when I wore mine that people don’t wear them for the whole race and they end up on the side of the road. Well, mine didn’t. Neither did my running partner’s. So wear a tutu and be proud, if that’s what you want to do! They don’t get in the way, in my experience.
What about head wear, you ask?? I know that I wore Mickey ears when I ran last January and my friend wore Yzma head gear in October! The above give a Star Wars twist to some pretty awesome head wear. It’s clear that the Princess Leia headband is just extraordinary and if you have short hair, or just don’t want to be bothered doing your hair in an updo for a race, this is an excellent option. The R2D2 headband is a little more tame but still lots of fun!
Last but not least, you’ll need good running shoes to run this event. These custom made Star Wars Nike’s are just the ticket if you are looking to drop a bit of money on your costume. I’m really just showing them because I thought they were cool. I’m not sure if you’d actually see people running in them or just wearing them out day to day.
I don’t know how many of the above items we will see this weekend at the Star Wars Half Marathon but these are my picks. If you are running an event this weekend, are any of the above items part of your look? Do you like what I’ve found. Let me know in the comment box below.
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