Many of us love Harveys For Disney handbags. They tend to be on the pricey side but are still more affordable than Dooney and Bourke Disney bags. They are definitely durable! Much of the time, we aren’t even aware that new collections have been released as they are not as highly advertised. It’s a shame because much of the time, once we realize there is a new collection, it is already sold out online at Harveys. The Mickey Loves Minnie Collection is not new but it is incredibly hard to find and it is very popular. If you are looking for it now, you will most likely only find it on ebay. I was thrilled when I found it this week!! Let me show you what styles I found and how you can get them.
This is the Mickey Loves Minnie large satchel. It is the largest of the 3 styles still available. It has a zipper closure on top and is super durable, as all Harveys For Disney bags are. Let’s talk about the print for a minute. This navy colored bag is covered with images of Mickey and Minnie, who are clearly in love. The accent color is red, so the trim and handles have a pop of color.
The Mickey Loves Minnie Wallet is a standard boyfriend wallet. What is a boyfriend wallet? It is designed like a man’s wallet. It opens at the top to place your bills in and the card slots face you when you open it. You fold the wallet to close it and it has no zipper or snap closure. It is of the same print as the aforementioned satchel.
The Mickey Loves Minnie Hip Pack is a unique design. This can be used as a wristlet and also as a a cross body bag (it has a longer, detachable strap inside). I like that it is so versatile. That makes the price tag even more worth it, in my opinion.
Now, where can you get these bags? I found them at Mouse To Your House!! If you are interested in this design, you can find it HERE and she even ships internationally! That helps out all my friends and family back home in Canada!
Have you been looking for this print? What do you think of it? Do you love Harveys for Disney bags? Let us know in the comment box below!
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