Every credit card has its perks. While some earn you frequent flier miles, others rack up cash back with every purchase. A Disney Visa Card earns you money towards Disney. I know, Magical right? There are also other perks associated with the card but listen closely to hear the latest and greatest new deal. Harveys Says Hakuna Matata to Disney Visa Card Members.
Yes! You heard that right! Harveys and Disney have a special treat just for Visa Card members. On Monday, November 11th, eligible members get exclusive access to a Lion King 30th Anniversary poster tote on the Disney Store website.
The tote is a beautiful commemoration of the movie released back in 1994. Sienna hued seatbelts provide a perfect frame for the main scene of the bag. The “poster” shares a vibrant scene from Pride Rock. A young Simba and Nala stand on the peak as a beam of sun highlights the future king. Harveys did such an amazing job capturing the vibe of the African kingdom. Notice little details such as the tribal trim along the savanna scene and the bag charm featuring a teenage Simba along with Pumba.
Celebrate the 30th anniversary of Lion King as Harveys Says Hakuna Matata to Disney Visa Card Members. Log on to the Disney Store HERE on November 11 to secure your small Lion King poster tote from Harveys!
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Marcie Cole says
When will this show up on the website – nothing yet!
Alison says
Harvey’s stated it would drop at midnight but all the feedback I’m seeing collaborates with your findings that it’s not on the website