One of the latest installments of the Disney Parks Little Golden Books is this Figment Little Golden Book. It is as bright and magical as the friendly purple dragon in the story.

This Disney Classic Little Golden Book, found here, takes readers on an adventure, similar to the one that they would experience while riding the Journey Into Imagination ride at Epcot. Figment has his magical paintbrush and is ready to leave a trail of purple paint wherever he goes.
In addition to some original content, the book includes the lyrics from the song, “One Little Spark”, and some of the dialog from the ride itself. This book is a must for people who are obsessed with the Journey Into Imagination ride but can’t get to Epcot right now to ride it. It is also perfect for Figment lovers and collectors. I have a close friend who loves Figment and always complains that there isn’t enough Figment merchandise available. Whenever I see something Figment related, I always grab it up really quickly for her.
Be sure to get your copy of this Figment Little Golden Book now from one of the parks. Or, if you aren’t able to get there right now, you can also order it from the Amazon website. You’ll be excited to discover that it is currently on sale.
Deja que tu imaginación se eleve con este libro
Uno de los más recientes libros de Disney Classic Little Golden Book, esos adorables libros de espina dorada que todos tuvimos en nuestras infancias y han tenido un resurgimiento entre las nuevas generaciones es este de la historia de Figment. Encuéntralo en Amazon.
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