With an upcoming trip to Disney , I figured it was time to start laying out the necessities. I understand that everyone has different things on this list and that’s as it should be. If you are traveling with children, your list will greatly differ from mine, as I am not. I find that people think of the things that they are sure they will need… clothes, toiletries, perhaps ponchos or umbrellas, footwear, backpacks… the list goes on. My list includes a few different items and the one that I never leave home without is my Mickey ears!
I know what some of you may be thinking… are you kidding me? Mickey ears? Hear me out. I’ve heard all kinds of comments about Mickey ears…..
- ‘You’re too old for Mickey ears.”
- “Do those belong to your children?”
- “Mickey ears are too expensive.”
Let me start by saying, I understand that ears are typically worn by children. Why is that? What happened to fun??? I like to take in the entire experience when I am at Disney and, in my opinion, that includes wearing Mickey ears. There is no age limit for fun. As soon as you walk through the gates, we are all in the Happiest Place on Earth and we’re all kids again. As far as the cost of Mickey ears, I understand that they are not cheap and that people have budgets. I can rationalize this by saving all my ears and then bringing them back with me when I return! I have a multitude of ears that go with many different outfits. All different colors, seasons and characters can be found in my Disney ear bin. I look through all my choices before I leave and see what I am in the mood for this particular trip. I then pack accordingly. I have ears that have lasted me for over 10 years. When you work out the cost factor on something like that, it’s negligible! This does, of course, mean that you have to take good care of your items but I think most adults try to do that anyway.
Here are just a few examples of the Mickey ears I bring when I head to the Happiest place on Earth.
These are my fancy, fun ears!
These are my villainous ears!
These are my “I feel like being different’ ears!
When it comes to purchasing Mickey ears, there are many different places to find them. If you are a planner, you can buy them in advance at the disneystore.com. If you are one to try things on and pick from a variety of choices, each of the theme parks have Mickey ears for purchase at multiple stores through out the parks. My favorite stores for my ears are The Chapeau at Magic Kingdom, Island Mercantile at Animal Kingdom, Mickey’s of Hollywood at Hollywood Studios and Mouse Gear at Epcot and World of Disney at Downtown Disney. There are many other stores to pick from but these are my personal favorites with great selection.
Clearly, I stand behind the title… Mickey Ears are for adults, too! I hope that helps any of you that have always wanted to wear them and were too shy or maybe I’ve just helped reiterate the point to those who already wore their ears proudly! Do you agree with me? I’d love to see some pics of you all in your favorite Mickey ears! Post some pics in the comment box!
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[…] Wear a Birthday Headpiece- I say it this way because I don’t always go with Mickey ears. Sometimes, I like to go a different route and feel like a Princess. In the above picture, it is […]