Today is the opening night of Mickeys No So Scary Halloween Party at Walt Disney World. The frightfully fun experience will last from now until November 2, 2023. Disney Fashionista Monica attended opening night and shares MNNSHP Merch is full of treats!

I’m loving the themed spirit jersey. The black jersey features the party title across the back in glow in the dark green. The torso has purple spider webs with Mickey heads.

The collection also includes two other tshirts and a matching hat. For drinks on the go, grab the Dracula Mickey Tervis tumbler or the themed mug. You can celebrate throughout the year with the Mickey Jack O Lantern Christmas ornament and 2 great pins!

The Sanderson sisters have a whole selection of Hocus Pocus themed merchandise including their own star filled Spirit Jersey. This one is exclusive to the Halloween Party and honors the stage show the Sanderson Sisters perform in!

For warmer weather grab the short sleeved t-shirt. There are even Minnie ears dedicated to the return of the Witching Hour. Pin collectors will be pleased with the Villian Spelltacular pin. Invite the sisters to have a glass of vino with you as you use the Corckcicle tumbler.

I completely agree that the MNSSHP Merch is full of treats! We hope to see all this merch soon on Party merchandise doesn’t usually arrive online, however, so stay tuned and we’ll keep you posted. If you are hoping to grab something and won’t be able to attend, reach out to our preferred personal shopper @shoptemeparks on FB or IG and she may be able to help!
Finally, it’s time to spend the Halloween season at Walt Disney World! You need to reach out to Small World Vacations. They are the preferred travel agent of Disney Fashionista. Let them know we sent you, and you will receive a special gift from us.
Esta mercancía es puro dulce no travesura
Hoy es la fiesta inaugural de la Mickey No So Scary Halloween Party en Walt Disney World. Siempre que hay fiesta hay mercancía exclusiva y en esta ocasión estamos tan consentidos que todo se siente como dulce y no travesura. Tenemos no uno sino dos Spirit Jerseys (Mickey Mouse disfrazado de Vampiro y las hermanas Sanderson en su Hocus Pocus Villian Spelltacular), adorno colgante para el pino de navidad de Mickey Calabaza, pines que muestran a Mickey o a Mickey y Minnie con sus atuendos de Halloween, taza, vaso térmico de Mickey Vampiro y de las hermanas Sanderson, así como camiseta y orejas para parque de Hocus Pocus. Disponible solamente si asistes a la fiesta de Halloween.
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