Whenever I am looking for something a little special, my first stop online is The Mouse On Main Street. They have a lot of unique and gorgeous pieces. Just look at this Tinkerbell Jewelry Collection. It is sure to fly right off the shelves.
The first item in the collection is this TInker Bell Necklace, found here. The necklace comes in three color options, gold, silver, and rose gold. While I am normally a silver person, I really love the gold because of the way that the light green gems complement the golden chain. I also like the way that the stars appear to sparkle on the golden version. That being said, you really can’t go wrong with any of the three colors. The wings at the center of the necklace also have a whimsical design on them that reminds me of an enchanted flower garden.

The next piece is the Tink Fairytale Ring, found here. Like the necklace, the ring also comes in three colors: silver, gold, and rose gold. There is a subtle green gem at the center of each ring. I think that they have a very classic look and remind me of something that I would like to wear to a garden tea party.

The best part of the design of this ring is slightly hidden. You need to turn the ring to the side in order to truly appreciate its beauty. Once you do, you will discover the fairy wings on either side of the ring. There are little gems in each part of the ring. There is also a curly-cue design coming out of the ring that makes it look like Tink is flying up into the gem.

Finally, there is a set of earrings. The earrings have a little hoop and a small star. The star has little clear gems all over it, so it is sure to sprinkle a little bit of sparkle to any outfit that you have on.

Hurry to the Mouse on Main Street Website now to check out the Tinker Bell Jewelry Collection and all of the other magical accessories that they have to offer! You’ll be so happy that you did.
Brilla a donde quiera que vayas con esta colección de joyería
Mouse On Main Street nos trae una nueva colección de collar, aretes y anillo con tema de Campanita, nuestra hada traviesa y enojosa favorita. Gracias a ella tenemos el polvo mágico de hadas en nuestras vidas Disney y qué mejor que celebrarlo con una pieza que brille y nos recuerde ese momento mágico. Con plata esterlina en baño de oro rosa o amarillo y cristales en tonos verdes, este detalle de las alas de Campanita es instantánemente reconocible por cualquier fan Disney. Disponible en el sitio web de la marca.
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