Amazon is just popping with all sorts of Beauty and the Beast Ears and we can’t wait to check them out! No matter your style, there is something for everyone.

While surfing the Amazon website, we discovered many different pairs of Belle ears. We’re going to share 4 of our favorites! The first two sets, have golden ears with little roses on each of the ears. The first set is dripping with sequins and has a tiara at the center of the bow. The second set is slightly more subtle look and has smaller roses and no tiara.
Next up is another set of golden ears. This set has red accents and a red bow. In addition to the sequins, there are also little gems on the ears, bow, and even the tiara. This is clearly made for that princess in your life that loves a little bling bling.
Finally, there is also a set of Belle and Beast ears. These ears are definitely my favorite set. I just love everything about the design. When I look at them, it makes me think that Belle and Beast are dancing with one another. Each character has their own ear, but they come together in the center with a ruby, red bow.
Be sure to check out all of these Beauty and the Beast Ears now from the Amazon Website HERE. You’ll be so happy that you did! Your bank account on the other hand may not be as grateful.
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