I hate mornings. Give me a job where I have to work until midnight any day over something that requires me to be up before noon. Unfortunately, the world doesn’t work like that and I am up before 7:00AM on most days. Because of that, I am always on the hunt for things that will make my mornings a little less painful. My most recent discovery is this D100 Toaster. I’m looking forward to magical mornings filled with tasty toast throughout 2024.

This sleek black toaster, found here is just what your mornings need. It has two large toast slots and a convenient dial on the front to adjust how dark your toast is. There is a platinum D100 logo on the front, next to the dial. On the side, we see a Disney “D” hidden among Disney characters from the last 100 years of magic. Identifying all of the characters and items will be more fun than reading the side of the cereal box, which is a tradition in my household.

If the design of the toaster alone didn’t win you over, then the surprise that you discover when the toast pops up just might! A Mickey head can be seen toasted into one of the slices of toast. There is also a big Disney “D” on the other slice. It is practically impossible to have a bad morning with Disney-themed toast on your plate! You could make a whole morning out of it with Mickey Waffles and Dole Whips Floats to drink.
Are you looking forward to a magical start to your mornings in the New Year? Get yourself a D100 Toaster and your mornings will be a little bit more interesting. Take a look at them for yourself on the Amazon website and then let us know what you think in the comments section.
Ready to make your day the best ever? It’s time to book a Disney vacation! Make sure to reach out to Small World Vacations. They are the preferred travel agent of Disney Fashionista. Let them know we sent you, and you will receive a special gift from us.
Descubrimiento Disney: Tostador D100
Si levantarte temprano para ir al trabajo o la escuela te cuesta trabajo, tal vez con un adorable desayuno te sea más leve. Es por esto que este tostador con diseño de Disney 100 en el cual vemos en un elegante color negro un patrón iridiscente con todos los personajes de la compañía en forma de silueta y la letra icónica D es para tí. Además como sorpresa al tostar dejará en tu pan la silueta de Mickey o la D de Disney.
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