Magical Lights, Please!
Have you ever been on a Disney Cruise? If the answer is yes then you already know a little something about how the lighting in your stateroom works. If the answer is no then this article will help you learn a little bit about how to power up the electricity flow to the lights and television in your stateroom. Either way, I will share some tips with you on Disney cruise ship stateroom lighting, how it works, and how to avoid getting locked out of your stateroom.
You may be wondering why in the world I would feel the need to write an article about stateroom lighting. When you are on a Disney cruise ship (Dream and Fantasy) you must slide your room key card into the fixture on the wall as you enter your stateroom. If you do not do this, then you will not be able to power up your television or your lights. Your key card must remain there if you want your electricity to stay on. Magical, right? Well, the problem is that, when you leave your stateroom, you must remember to remove your stateroom key card from the fixture and take it with you. If you do not take your room key card with you, as I did on my first Disney Dream cruise, then you cannot get back into your room.
There I was standing outside my stateroom door, in my cold wet bathing suit, looking for my room key in my bag, when I realized that my room key was, in fact, on the other side of the door in the lighting fixture!
So, I went back upstairs to the adult pool area, where my husband was, to get his room key so I could get into our stateroom and take a warm shower. My husband was not where I had left him so I wandered around Deck 11, shivering with cold on that windy December day, trying to find him, to no avail. In order to be slightly more fashionable, and a tad bit warmer, I grabbed two extra towels from a lounge chair, wrapped them around me, and walked back down the stairs to our stateroom hoping my husband had returned to the room. As it turns out, he was there, but he was already in the shower and did not know I was outside the door. I began to feel like I was taking part in an old black-and-white, silent comedy, picture show! I eventually got back into the room and discovered that my husband had taken the elevator down to our room and since I took the stairs, we had missed one another.
This first experience motivated me to look into other options for our second cruise that would allow me to keep my room key card in my lanyard. After some research I found, and ordered, little plastic cards with a tiny magnet on the back, that would work in place of the stateroom key card in the lighting fixture. I found these particular ones on Etsy, at PixieDustedStitches. These little cards, complete with the picture of a Mickey ear lightbulb, take the place of having to use your room key for lighting purposes. You can easily remove the little card from the fixture slot and place it on the doorframe or back of your door; both of which are metal and will allow the tiny magnet to hold the card in place. Upon your return to your stateroom, just take the little Mickey ear lightbulb card and place back into the slot for the lighting. I ordered a whole package of them and placed the other ones in Fish Extenders outside of other guests’ staterooms on the Disney Dream. These lighting cards were my favorite Fish Extender gift find for my most recent cruise.
And while it is important to be energy efficient, if you forget to take the little card out of the fixture at least you will not be as likely to get locked out of your stateroom. Happy Disney Cruising!
Thanks to our fabulous guest blogger, Lisette Raynor, for sharing her fabulous experience with us!!!!!
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The Do Not Disturb door hanger also works!
As do old/empty gift cards!
I used my Winn Dixie card. It worked like charm.
We learned to bring a library card with us 🙂
We use the door hanger. Works great!